What To Expect
Please arrive around 15 minutes prior to the service start to give us a chance to meet you. Also, after the service our people often mingle for 30 minutes and go to lunch together. We hope you give us an opportunity to know you. Our weekly attendance runs about 90 – 110. People come dressed business-casual, although you will find some dressed in suits and others in jeans.
Scripture Reading and Prayer. Our corporate gathering gives a high emphasis on the regular reading of Scripture and on bringing our hearts before God in several times of prayer.
Expositional Preaching. Our pastor typically preaches through longer sections of the Bible. Expositional sermons seek to make the main point of the sermon reflect the main point of the Biblical text. It aims to understand what God has revealed to us in the Bible and apply that to our lives. The weekly sermons usually last about 40-45 minutes.
Congregational Singing. We believe that singing in church is about the church body singing. We prefer congregational singing over performed music. Thus, most of our music invites the entire community to participate. We sing songs that are rich in Biblical content composed by contemporary and by long-past writers.